Big Dog RC Track

 Off-Road / by meetstreet / 278 views

  • Listing ID: 3072
  • US State: Pennsylvania
  • Surface Type: Paved
  • Surface Condition: Smooth
  • Distance: 213m
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Accessibility: Public/Open
  • Best Time to Drive: Morning to Late Afternoon

Looking for the ultimate RC experience? Look no further than the Big Dog RC track! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this one-stop destination has everything you need to satisfy your RC cravings. With both indoor and outdoor tracks to choose from, you can race no matter what the weather’s like. And if you need to stock up on supplies, the onsite shop has you covered. Best of all, the track’s smooth dirt surface makes it the perfect spot for both beginners and experts alike. Drive your best lap and submit your time with your FPV footage on this platform.


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United States

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