Thunderdome RC Track

 Indoor Track / by meetstreet / 375 views

  • Listing ID: 3131
  • US State: Illinois
  • Surface Type: Carpet
  • Surface Condition: Smooth
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Accessibility: Booking required
  • Best Time to Drive: Morning to Late Afternoon

The Thunderdome RC track is located in Morris, Illinois. This track offers different types of races that you will enjoy. They also hold tournaments for pro racers or beginners. They have excellent indoor facilities, including an indoor carpet RC track with 1/12 1/10 scale on the road, 1/10 scale off-road, and 1/10 scale oval, along with a 1/18 scale mini Z track. Visit their website for their schedule at Drive your best lap and submit your time with your FPV footage on this platform.


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