Gotfords Hill RC Track

 Outdoor Track / by 1krc / 344 views

  • Listing ID: 3359
  • Surface Type: Grass
  • Surface Condition: Rough
  • Distance: 767m
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Accessibility: Public/Open
  • Best Time to Drive: Anytime

This hill is situated within Fryent Country Park and it’s one of the three high points in the park. Gortford Hill is 63 meters high (207 feet) and it is the heart of this track. The circuit is completely off-road and is shaped like a star. You begin at the Gortford Hill viewpoint and drive out and make a turn back to the viewpoint and out again until you complete all three points. The grass terrain may be thick and bumpy so better off to use buggies or trucks. Do submit your lap times on this site with your FPV footage to showcase the beauty of the landscape.


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