Ella Bailey RC Track

 Outdoor Track / by meetstreet / 336 views

  • Listing ID: 2886
  • US State: Washington
  • Surface Type: Paved
  • Surface Condition: Smooth
  • Distance: 450m
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Accessibility: Public/Open
  • Best Time to Drive: Anytime

Imagine racing your RC car on a track with stunning views of Mount Rainier, Puget Sound, and the Seattle skyline. Well, now you don’t have to imagine anymore! This little grassy area in West Seattle offers just that. At only 0.12 acres, it’s the perfect size for some exciting racing. Don’t miss out on this incredible location for your hobby. Head over to West Seattle and experience the thrill of racing your RC car with breathtaking views in the background. Do submit your lap times on this site.


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United States

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