ECR Motocross RC Track

 Outdoor Track / by meetstreet / 311 views

  • Listing ID: 3058
  • US State: Pennsylvania
  • Surface Type: Dirt
  • Surface Condition: Rough
  • Distance: 905m
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Accessibility: Private
  • Best Time to Drive: Morning to Late Afternoon

This RC track is quite long, with a distance of 905 meters. The road is rough, which will put you in a challenging situation. Your RC cars will test their durability, endurance, and speed. That’s why you should remember to upload your lap time.


Best Lap Times
UsernameLap TimeAvg SpeedRC TypePowertrainScaleFPV VideoImagesEquipment Used
UsernameLap TimeAvg SpeedRC TypePowertrainScaleFPV VideoImagesEquipment Used



United States

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