Eastern Beach Promenade Track

 Outdoor Track / by Richard Ziolkowski / 209 views

  • Listing ID: 3156
  • Surface Type: Mixed
  • Surface Condition: Mixed
  • Distance: 554m
  • Difficulty: Very Hard
  • Accessibility: Public/Open
  • Best Time to Drive: When no one is around

This clam-shaped track will truly test your RC driving skills because you’d need to navigate through the majestic but narrow promenade keeping you a few inches away from the depth of the sea. Truly not for the faint-hearted and only for those with grit. The promenade surface is made of wooden planks while the rest is the typical concrete walkway. Are you the few who have the grit to complete this track? Dare yourself to boldly go where no RC car has gone before.


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