RC1 Racing RC Track

 Outdoor Track / by beinrc / 1076 views / Popular

  • Listing ID: 2906
  • US State: Florida
  • Surface Type: Paved
  • Surface Condition: Smooth
  • Distance: 239m
  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Accessibility: Public/Open
  • Best Time to Drive: Anytime of the day

Located in the bustling city of Miami, Florida, the RC1 Racing track is a thrilling destination for those seeking an adrenaline-fueled adventure. The track features several difficult hazards that will push the boundaries of your drifting and navigation skills. You’ll be on the edge of your seat the entire time as you race against the clock and other competitors through the course’s twists and turns. Take the fastest lap possible and upload your time along with your FPV video to this site.


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United States

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