Miami Motocross Park RC Track

 Outdoor Track / by beinrc / 348 views

  • Listing ID: 2892
  • US State: Florida
  • Surface Type: Dirt
  • Surface Condition: Mixed
  • Distance: 414m
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Accessibility: Public/Open
  • Best Time to Drive: Daytime

Miami Motocross Park welcomes RC enthusiasts to an adrenaline-charged playground, where miniature vehicles tackle challenging tracks amidst the thunderous roar of engines and the swirling dust of rugged terrain. With every twist and turn, the air crackles with excitement, creating a dynamic atmosphere pulsating with the thrill of high-speed racing and daring maneuvers. This track has a range of 60 meters from the start to the edge of the track, no need for long-range antennas. Drive your best lap and submit your time with your FPV footage on this platform.


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United States

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