Gun Hill RC Track

 Outdoor Track / by meetstreet / 329 views

  • Listing ID: 3032
  • US State: New York
  • Surface Type: Mixed
  • Surface Condition: Rough
  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Accessibility: Public/Open
  • Best Time to Drive: Daytime

This location is perfect for RC car and truck enthusiasts! It has challenges and obstacles for both racers and bashers, and plenty of space for drone flying. You can “run what you brung” and customize your vehicle for added creativity. Visit and spend a thrilling day with fellow RC fans! Drive your best lap and submit your time with your FPV footage on this platform


Best Lap Times
UsernameLap TimeAvg SpeedRC TypePowertrainScaleFPV VideoImagesEquipment Used
UsernameLap TimeAvg SpeedRC TypePowertrainScaleFPV VideoImagesEquipment Used



United States

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