Fabulous Las Vegas RC Track

 Outdoor Track / by Richard Ziolkowski / 349 views

  • Listing ID: 2714
  • US State: Nevada
  • Surface Type: Paved
  • Surface Condition: Smooth
  • Distance: 295m
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Accessibility: Public/Open
  • Best Time to Drive: 24 hours. Anytime when no one is around

This track is right at the iconic Fabulous Las Vegas sign and it’s shaped as an oval with a criss-cross around the sign. Do go in between the grass and the trees when you’re heading toward the sign. And watch out for domestic and foreign tourists. The signboard was built in 1959 with the cost of $4,000 back then. It is 7.6m (25 feet) in height and both sides are lighted-up at night.



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